The C-90 continues our high end tradition in an all wood bolt-on instrument. It echoes many of the unique features of the ground breaking MC/1. Utilizing the finest in light weight sound woods, the result is an instrument with natural sustain and a warm, yet flexible tone.

Cisco's Blade Written by James Cummings (Awosting Songs Music - ASCAP)
From Track
1 of the Brian Moore Guitars Artists CD Vol 1
2nd solo:
Played by Patrick Cummings on a C-90P.13 using the Seymour
Duncan JB bridge humbucker, played through a Groove Tubes Solo
75 with an Alesis Quadraverb
There Are No Rules Written by Patrick Cummings and Kevin Kalagher (Cummings n' Goings Music - ASCAP)
From Track
12 of the Brian Moore Guitars Artists CD Vol 1 Played by Patrick
Cummings on a C-90P.13 using the Seymour Duncan JB bridge
humbucker, played through a Groove Tubes Solo 75 with an
Alesis Quadraverb and a VG-8 "vio-funk" setting
Scrambledreggs Written by Carl Roa (Big Shoe
Music - BMI)
Scrambledreggs (Full Version)
From the new CD "Heavy Meddle" from
Roa - C90P.13 JB bridge humbucker and spit neck and bridge played through
a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier
Roy Altemus - i5 Bass direct
reamped though an EBS preamp
Dave Miranda - Brian Moore Stickered Drums
guest Patrick Cummings - P5 Mandolin recorded direct to disc
Written by John Abercrombie (Abjohn Music - BMI) From
Track 4 of the Brian Moore Guitars Artists CD Vol
1 Both
guitar tracks are played using a Custom DC/1P blending the
neck humbucker with RMC piezo and played direct to
Trash Can
Written by Nick Moroch (Hot Transitor Tunes -
BMI) From Track 7 of the Brian Moore Guitars Artists
CD Vol 1 All guitars by Nick played on an
Ants Fanquest Written
by Michael Cummings (Cummings n' Goings Music) l
I Played by Michael Cummings on a
C-55TP.13 using the Duncan Alnico II middle single coil and
Duncan JB bridge humbicker-tapped for single
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